Curriculum Vitae

If you want to check my projects in detail

Professional Experience

08/2019 – Today

UX – UI designer for the TYPO3 dashboard initiative

  • User research and analysis
  • Comparative research
  • UI and prototyping development based on user study

03/2017 – Today

UX and Motion Designer and Developer at strich-komma

  • Project development based on agile and scrum methods
  • Start to end customer follow up
  • DesignDevelopmentUser ResearchVideo and Animation tasks.

2006  – 2017

Freelancer Web and Motion Designer and Developer

  • Project organisation and customer acquisition
  • Workshops on how to use a CMS – WordPress
  • Design and development of WordPress Themes from scratch

2007 – 2011

Editor in Chief Italian edition of Indigo, European Printed Magazine

  • Editor in chief Italian edition and member of the Decisional Board (1 of 3)
  • Workshops on international Print Journalism  for the EU Parliament 
  • Organisational tasks of 50+ international freelancer team


Video reporter for

  • Independently customer contact and preparation of local focused reportages 
  • Filming, post cut and voice over. Writing of German text 
  • Monthly organisation for calendar planning


Conference Organizer at Cafebabel

  • Venue and focus topic research 
  • Speakers plan and contact
  • Creation of conference report


Editor and journalist at European Agenda

  • Conference research and preparation
  • EU politician contacts for collaborations
  • Organisational tasks

2004 – 2009

IT, ES, and EN teacher and translator

  • Teacher for private, schools and business clients
  • Translator of official documents
  • Professional Interpreter for 5 languages (Italian, English, Spanish, German, French)


Since 07/2019

UX online courses

  • Interaction Design Foundation
  • 1- Information Visualisation: Getting Dashboards Right
  • 2- Emotional Design — How to Make Products People Will Love

1/2017 – 5/2017

Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree

  • Back and frontend
  • Sql database
  • App and Games basic development


Erasmus exchange program

  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid 
  • Spanish language and literature
  • Future Erasmus students council committee

2000 – 2005

Modern Language and Literature at the Università della Tuscia

  • MA equivalent. Summa cum Laude 
  • English, Spanish and German language and literature
  • Thesis on “Marion Hensel and the Belgian independent Film”

1995 – 2000

Liceo Classico Mariano Buratti

  • Classical oriented hight school
  • 5 years of Latin and Ancient Greek language and literature
  • Exchange program with the Massachusetts hight school of West Springfield

Foreign Languages

Italian – Mother tongue
English – Excellent
Spanisch – Excellent
German – Good
French – Fluent



The TYPO3 CMS dashboard – a UX case Study


Keep calm and freak out — how to deal with fear in the digital era


When Sunglasses and sharp Knives share Feelings — a Case Study

  • A story about love for the right marketing strategy 
  • Article published on The Startup
  • Read the article 

Experience as speaker and workshops


TYPO3 – Dashboard

  • UX case study – How to create the best User Experience on a CMS tool used by millions of people. 
  • Visit the website 


UX and the benefit of choice

  • Incorporating emotion should be a key consideration when designing products or websites.
  • Visit the website 


Relationship matters

  • UX Presentation at the certiFUNcation 2019
  • Download the presentation 


Mensch ärgere dich nicht

  • UX Presentation at the Hochschulbarcamp 2019 – FOM Essen
  • Visit the event website 


Is design Agile?

  • UX Presentation at the certiFUNcation 2018
  • My part is at the 3:44:30 – Video Time
  • Check the video


Valencia conference for international journalism

  • Moderated Workshop: Mini-indigo: the milestone of international print magazine, results mini-indigo printed magazine
  • Participant of Panel Discussion of Cross Media Advertisement on European scale


European Youth Media Days

  • Workshop and speaker: printed journalism on European scale, mini-indigo
  • Organised team of 20 young journalist for 5 days
  • To the PDF of the event 



Australian Working Holiday Visa

  • Collaboration with the “Backpacker” magazine.
  • Participated at the “Adelaide Fringe Festival” with my own short film: The Backpacker Traveller
  • Indipendent Blogger


Blogger for European Journalism Center

  • TH!NK ABOUT IT – blogging competition on climate change


DVD Macchina di Santa Rosa

  • DVD distributed with Il Corriere di Viterbo 
  • Concept and realisation of content, text and video

If you want to check my projects in detail